Attorney, managing partner
Specialist in immigration and corporate law. Advisor and entrepreneur – since 2015 he has been building and managing a now 12-person, state-of-the-art legal advisory firm, with offices in two Polish cities. An attorney by training, an advisor by vocation – both legal and business.
He oversees audits conducted at corporate clients and, based on the findings, prepares development and cooperation strategies. He solves business problems and advises on crisis situations related to labor law and the employment of foreigners. As an advisor, he participates in negotiations, including at the international level, and represents entrepreneurs in talks with the State Labor Inspectorate, the Border Guard and the Lower Silesian Governor.
His knowledge, creativity and experience allow him to offer the highest quality legal and business consulting services. In the practical aspects of immigration law, he likes challenges and non-obvious cases. A man of maximum dedication to immigration law, the client and his staff.
Hobbyist downhill enthusiast and marathon runner.
Stachurski i Grzybowska Adwokacka Spółka Partnerska
NIP: 898 224 15 82
REGON: 369541276
KRS: 0000720228

Hours of operation: Mon- Fri: 9:00-16:00