Labor law
Audit of foreigner’s employment
Training for employers
Wondering if your employees are employed legally? Legally staying and working in Poland is a challenge. Paperwork is coming. Are you an employer and not sure if your company’s procedures comply with the law? Want to be sure? Trust us – specialized attorneys. Do not delay, we will conduct an employment audit for you.
Our mission and passion is immigration law. Our audits focus on the legal work of a foreigner in Poland. The employment of Ukrainian citizens holds no secrets. Do you employ workers from outside the EU and EEA? Your employees are Indian nationals, including Indians, Bangladeshi nationals, Turkish nationals, Kazakh nationals? Or do you work with Filipinos? Do you employ drivers, welders, couriers, construction workers, cooks? With us you can be sure that the employment of a foreigner will always be legal.
In addition, we conduct an audit for you in the field of labor law, including bullying, unequal treatment, various forms of discrimination and much more based on your individual needs. Don’t forget that hiring a foreigner is also hiring an employee. You can’t neglect a number of labor law formalities and obligations.
Diagram of our audit procedure:
- we verify the procedures used so far and the documentation gathered in your company
- we compare the above. scopes with applicable laws, guidelines from border guards and labor inspections
- we analyze the results and create a post-inspection report
- in case of spotting errors – we recommend possible solutions
- we provide advice and support to optimize hiring processes
If you want we can teach you the procedures and regulations related to the legal employment of foreigners. We conduct professional training for Employers based on the needs identified from the audit.
Wondering how to hire a citizen from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, China, Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, Ukraine, or how to hire a citizen from the Philippines? It’s already obvious – the situation on the Polish labor market forces the hiring of non-EU foreigners. Legal employment and company labor laws are now challenges for any employer. As practitioners who assist employers in the legal employment of foreigners, we also regularly train employers who have taken up cooperation with our law firm. We train employers in the area not only in Wroclaw. Labor law, immigration law is uniform throughout the country. We will teach you how to properly and legally employ a foreigner.
Need foreigner employment training tailored to your needs? We offer individual workshops to solve the most intricate issues. We also provide training on bullying and discrimination. We show how to properly apply labor law. Contact us and let’s work together to select the training topics you need.
On a daily basis, we support executives and HR departments. We know from experience that educating employers and working with a professional partner is a guarantee of security in terms of legal hiring and compliance with the current state of the law. We organize individual and group training courses.
If you are already hiring employees and you are not sure whether your procedures are adequate proper – we suggest you conduct a legal hiring audit.
Stachurski i Grzybowska Adwokacka Spółka Partnerska
NIP: 898 224 15 82
REGON: 369541276
KRS: 0000720228

Hours of operation: Mon- Fri: 9:00-16:00