International protection
Humanitarian stay
Refugee, asylum
Complementary protection
If you are facing persecution in your home country or a real risk to your life or health, you can take advantage of international protection. When you receive it, you will not be sent back to the country you are afraid to return to. You will be able to stay in Poland. International protection is the granting of refugee status, subsidiary protection, temporary protection.
Wondering when to apply for international protection? You can do this, while entering the territory of the Republic of Poland during border control or while staying in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Not sure if the application for international protection can apply to children or a spouse. We hasten to answer – yes they are also entitled to assistance. Contact us and we will act as soon as possible. Applications for international protection are decided in the first instance by the Head of the Office for Foreigners. If you receive a negative decision, you can appeal to the Refugee Council. You have 14 days to do so.
National laws also provide additional internal protection, introducing asylum, humanitarian residence permits, tolerated residence permits, temporary residence permits for victims of human trafficking, and temporary residence permits issued on the grounds of respect for the right to family life and children’s rights.
Our specialists will easily diagnose your case and present the best solution to the situation you are in. You don’t have to worry about it. We know how to apply and interpret regulations. Knowledge and experience stand behind us.
Stachurski i Grzybowska Adwokacka Spółka Partnerska
NIP: 898 224 15 82
REGON: 369541276
KRS: 0000720228

Hours of operation: Mon- Fri: 9:00-16:00